Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Not an end but a beginning
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas

Friday, November 28, 2008
A belated Happy Thanksgiving
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Coffee Anyone?

Friday, November 7, 2008
Holiday Show & Sale
There is pottery of several styles, jewelry, glass, multi-media, paintings, photography, textiles and more...
Sunday, November 2, 2008
New Kiln

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
The Rewards of Teaching
Monday, October 13, 2008
Columbus Day
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Happy October
I am back from a whirlwind business trip to Orlando. We left Saturday morning, drove 10 hours straight through, spent Sunday at a trade show, and then drove back on Monday.
The most amazing sight on the trip was as we were loading the car for the trip home. We walked out of the hotel and heard this loud squawk, it was a Great Blue Heron. This was not uncommon, as we saw them from our room at the small lake in front of the hotel. What was amazing was that this Heron was perched on top of a street light! After he (for some reason I always call them 'he') caught our attention, he stretched his wings out and looked almost like he was showing off his beautiful wings and graceful neck. My camera was in the car. As I hurridly got the camera, I turned around and he was gone. Mom and Terri saw him up there too, so they can vouch for my sighting.
Unfortunately, we were unable to stay in Orlando to visit with our friends at Bead Dreams on Sand Lake Road, it was raining and we wanted to get on the road home, they were not open yet. We wanted to visit with Demi & Ursula and also check out what wonderful goodies they have in their store. Maybe next time.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Another generation of talent
When I first started this blog, I was talking about the talent in the family. The photo is of a nativity my nephew DragonBen made a couple of weeks ago.
He was sitting on Grandma's lap while she looked through one of the vendor's catalogs that carry nativities. (We like to get some new and different ones for the store each year.) He then hopped down and said he was going to make a nativity.
I will have to get a better photo taken so the details show better. He started with a BLANK piece of paper and a pair of scissors. He then cut out the shapes. Finally he drew in the details.
The stable is difficult to see well in the photo, but it has a star standing up at the front and it has a hole in the roof so the light can shine in on the baby Jesus. The baby is sucking his thumb and is seperate from the manger. The shepherd has his crook and the 3 kings are kneeling together.
This child will be 9 in January! His talents are incredible. But so are those of his cousins and the rest of the family. You can see some of my youngest sister's munchkin's talents here.
Friday, he made a South Carolina flag on a piece of blue paper with the palmetto tree cut out of white paper, as well as the crescent moon (photo to be placed on the store's blog). Then, he added a crab that resembles our Happy the Crafting Crab, up in the fronds of the palmetto tree.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
And the winner is...
Her name being the winner gives me a chance to send her something once again through snail-mail!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
This is fun...
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Card Give Away

Sunday, August 10, 2008
Monday, August 4, 2008
The Best Totem Pole in Clemson

Sunday, July 27, 2008
My samples are posted!

A couple of months ago, I sent some photos of cards I made using a technique from one of the companies we feature at our store. They emailed me back to see if they could post them on their web site. I have periodically checked to see if they were up yet, and they are now! They did not put my name up there, but listed the store.
They are here. This sample is not one of them... I designed this one after emailing the photos.
*Note, when you go to their web site, click on the Retail site link, then click on the card samples link in the band across the top. Finally, click on Sample Set 12. Those are all my original creations, the other samples they have posted are fabulous too!

I'm still here
And I will show a photo of the completed re-arranging/organizing of my work space... I promise. I figure if I promise, it will give me more incentive.
I hope everyone is having a great July.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Sunday, June 29, 2008
Vacation Get-Away

Sunday, June 22, 2008
Vacationing in my mind

Friday, June 13, 2008
The promised photo

I've been tagged!
Here are the rules: Each player answers the questions about themselves. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5-6 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know they’ve been tagged and asking them to read your blog. Let the person who tagged you know when you’ve posted your answer.
Now to the questions:
1. What was I doing 10 years ago? 1998 - I was living in Syracuse, NY and working for the Greater Syracuse Association of Realtors as the MLS clerk.
2. What are 5 things on my list to do today? 1. Get my hair cut - even shorter! (done at 9 AM) 2. Ice my foot (thank goodness it is not broken), I feel like such a dummy hurting it by just turning my foot walking down the sidewalk... 3. Add a new photo to my blog (next entry) 4. Make dinner (Skewered Shrimp...) 5.Take care of this game of tag.
3.What snacks do I enjoy? Yes, please to just about anything - but especially chocolate, popcorn and ice cream.
4. What would I do if I was a billionaire? Pay off debts and spend/invest the rest carefully.
5.Where have I lived? Alfred, NY - (Cazenovia, NY while in college the first 2 years) - Buffalo, NY (2 weeks) - back to Alfred to attend Alfred University - Syracuse, NY - back to Alfred - Ashland, MA - Somerset, MA - Pendleton, SC
As I said, I am rather new to blogging, so I don't know many other bloggers out there, yet. I guess I will have to choose my friend Jo. Jo has lots of friends in the blogging world.
Monday, June 9, 2008
I'm still here!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Sweet Dreams
Friday, May 30, 2008
Art Clay SIlver

Monday, May 26, 2008
The process

Now there are still a lot of 'ceramic studios' out there that mold items and allow people to come in and do the trimming and decorating (for a fee of course) and take them home. This is the same concept except for the fact that they purchase their molds from 'Hobby Ceramic' mold companies. These molds were made by my ex and myself from models we designed and made ourselves. Nobody else has them but me. So, from an artists perspective, although I have not hand thrown or sculpted each individual piece, I am the designer and have had my hands on every single step of their formation. Even when my ex was making the models, I was there for consultation and assistance. He made some of the molds and I made others. And in the 17 or 18 years since beginning production, I have made 95% of the porcelain pieces myself. And in the last 14 years I have made 100% of it.
I know, I sound like I am defending myself, well, I am, sort-of. Some shows do not accept molded items. But they are referring to items from commercial molds, mine are not in that category.
Oh, if you go to the Celebrate Clayton web site, you can click on the 2008 Artist Award Winners and see a listing of the winners this year (including me!!!). Still no photos from this year's event there, and still none of my samples on the Washi Quilted card site. I'll keep you posted.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
It's time for raisins!
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Memorial Day

Monday, May 19, 2008
Other interests

Thursday, May 15, 2008
doggie photos

Above are photos of Hops (to the left) who is still just a puppy, and Gertie. These photos were taken at the end of the afternoon. All three dogs had played their heart out for hours. After Leia went home, the remaining two just kicked back and relaxed before their trip home to Seneca (SC).
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
A stitch in time...

Rise & Shine!

I know, I like flowers... this photo was shared by a friend from an Internet group I used to belong to.
I did get a couple of photos of a quilt made by my sister Sue, but I haven't gotten around to downloading them yet... sorry.
We had a wonderful time Sunday, Sue's two children and their spouses had surprised her the night before by coming to visit. The Grilled Shrimp & Chicken with Peanut Sauce were delicious! The grand-dogs were a riot! I have photos of them too... tomorrow.
I just felt like posting a little bit this morning, I'll post more tomorrow morning.
I am off to go for my walk this morning.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mother's Day

This is a photo of my first great neice with her grandfather Don. Don is my ex-husband's brother. This little cutie just turned 6 months old this past week.
I don't feel old enough to be a great aunt, Don is not old enough to be a grandfather, and Mellisa is definitely not old enough to be a mother... but then again, she's in her 20's... I just haven't seen her in person for 10 years or so and can't imagine her being a mom. But, my denial of growing older aside, HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to Mellisa and to all of the Mom's in my family! My Mom, Verne's Mom, my sister Sue, Mellisa's Mom Jan (not old enough to be a grandmother), my brother's wife Miwa, my sisiter Terri, My younger brother's wife Alice, and my sister Regina.
I also hope that anyone reading this remembers their Mom and whether she is still around to call or not, please wish her a Happy Mother's Day. Some of you may not be on the greatest terms with your Mom, don't let that stop you. Wish her a Happy Mother's Day anyway.
We are off to Aiken, SC to visit my sister Sue today. Maybe I can get some good photos of a quilt or two for me to show her wonderful creativity.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
In progress

Wednesday, May 7, 2008
P.O.P Studio Tour

More on my creative family
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Cookie Man & Chessie

Early morning rambles
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Porcelain Mugs
I still have not had the chance to get all my photos taken. This is another shot from my Sunday display last weekend at Celebrate Clayton.
Pictured here are my mugs. Right now they are the only size I have. They hold 8 ounces. They were designed with the tapered shape to have less surface area for the coffee/tea/cocoa to cool. They also were designed with a large enough handle for the comfort of even those with larger hands.
I am in the process of developing a larger mug for those who don't like going for refills all of the time.
I need to give credit where credit is due. I learned what I know about model and mold making from my ex-husband and his father. Their professional expertise was in industrial ceramics. They both did this for a living. My father-in-law (Wally Higgins) taught Industrial Ceramic Design at the NY State College of Ceramics at Alfred University for over 25 years. My ex (Verne Higgins) received his degree there and worked for companies such as Lenox, Pfaltzgraff, Syracuse China and Sherle Wagner. In 1989 we went to work for my father-in-law. I started out decorating pieces and soon moved into other areas. I learned on the job. I may not have made all of the models for the pieces I make, but I worked on their design. The plaster wheel was Verne's area, I got to do some, but he was so experienced, it was easier (and quicker) to let him turn most of the pieces. I made a larger percentage of the original molds. Now I make all of the molds myself and am working on making more models. I do not have an industrial wheel to work on, so I am making do with what I can put together.
But, that all being said, from the beginning, 95% + of the production was done solely by me. Now it is done 100% by me. I may ask for input from friends and family on glaze colors and applications or new shapes, but the work is all done by me.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
My Max
Friday, May 2, 2008
Goodbye Sweet Savannah
Monday, April 28, 2008
The show

I won a prize!!!

This photo is of my booth at Celebrate Clayton 2008 in Clayton, GA.
I did very well at the show, selling a nice variety of my pieces.
The title of this entry is 'I won a prize!!!' because I won one of the 10 prizes for best in category. It is officially called 'Judges Choice - Best in Pottery/Ceramics'. I am so excited and proud!
The weather on Saturday was quite warm, and on Sunday it rained most of the time. Pretty much a drizzle the majority of the time, but about 3:30 or so it just poured! We broke down our booths early. The customers pretty much left.
I'll tell you more tonight or tomorrow when I have a bit more time.
Friday, April 25, 2008
The Beading Boys

Finally! I was able to get the photos to upload... These are my brother Bill's two boys on their first full day here visiting. And they chose to come and learn some beading. Their attention to detail is wonderful. Bill also did a little beading and made a beautiful Kyanite pendant for his wife Miwa. It had some sterling and some Rhodochrosite and Lapis beads to accent the large Kyanite piece. Miwa joined my sister Sue and made herself a netted weave bracelet.
About the show. I don't have the time this morning to post photos. I'll get some up of my other products after I get back.
I am looking forward to the show, but right now I am stressing. I know I shouldn't be. It's just something I do. I really, truely hope that the scattered thunder showers that are predicted this weekend are scattered widely enough that they bypass downtown Clayton, GA! The show goes on, rain or shine.