Sunday, June 10, 2018

Life is what happens...

I want to create... but the rain soaked concrete patio had other plans in store for me a week and a half ago... my very first broken bone... that I am aware of.  It broke into at least 3 pieces near the wrist.

I have now "graduated" to a shorter cast and can move my fingers more freely, but will be in this particular cast another week, and who knows how long for the next one.

Being uninsured, this has taken all of my cash very quickly and I have not yet even gotten the bill for the ER visit.  Edit:  OMG!!!!! I took a look at the bill on line!  Even with basically a 40 - 50% self-pay discount - it is incredible how much this broken arm is costing me!  I've already spent nearly $500 and that is just a drop in the bucket compared to what I still owe. STRESSING about that now!

With my tax return, I made multiple smaller purchases since last years went to a new laptop and car repair (which was 3 times the cost of the computer!).  One was this GR Forms oval platter template.  I hope someday to be able to use it...

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