Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Continuing on...

I am back at work.  I think the pain has subsided enough so I can handle working a full day.  Yesterday was a success.

I also had 2 classes on the calendar.  One for this Saturday and one for next.  The one next Saturday was to be a clay cup class.  That one has been cancelled.  I cannot get my right hand into the clay to even make the samples.  This Saturday is an Iris Folding card class.  That, I was able to work with some of what I had and carefully chart some new patterns to some clipart shapes.  The four cards are pictured here:

I don't have the patience today to figure out why this is posting sideways... another time perhaps.

At least I was able to get something done so I didn't have to cancel that class as well.

I also have a cast that leaves my fingers and thumb more useable.  So, I am driving... short distances.  I can grip the steering wheel with my hand easily enough and I can turn the wheeel a bit.  Most of the driving is done with my left hand thoough.  This has allowed me to get back to house/pet-sitting!  I had to cancel one job because it was to start the day after my slip & fall.  That did not make me happy at all.  My friend was able to stay home while her husband went to work on the boat in FL. This time I am watching the cats of a friend as she spends her first summer vacation at the beach with her children and grandchildren, but not her husband.  His decline in health began while on vacation last year and he passed away last week.  This vacation was already paid for.

Back to work, I guess!  Thanks for checking in.

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