Sunday, January 11, 2009

A New Year & New Glazes

Last week I went with a friend to Asheville.
First, we took in the Gem & Mineral Wholesale show at the Civic Center. I love going to those shows... the beads and jems and silver and all are so beautiful.
Then, we went to Highwater Clay, the 'local' clay supplier. I was on a mission to find some additional colors of glazes to use. And, as with anything photographed, it is difficult to tell what they really look like from a catalog or web site. And, some of the glazes I already have look so different than their photos. I also wanted to ask about a Cone 6 stoneware casting slip that looks like it has been reduction fired, although I fire in oxidation.
I was able to find 3 new glazes, Crimson, Texture Chocolate and Ironstone. The slip was a no-go. Although the gentleman behind the counter gave me some suggestions for making my own.I have not taken any good photos of the new glazes yet. The Ironstone & Texture Chocolate may be hard to distinguish in photos anyway. I also discovered, in the glaze firing of the new glazes that my blue fires to a different color in the new kiln. A color people like. Some like it better than the blue fired in the other kiln.
Well, off to cast some more mugs and all...
I've got a show in a few weeks.

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