Sunday, April 11, 2010

The view from my studio

It is a beautiful bright April morning here in SC.  I could easily be distracted by the beauty of all around me... but I have a show in 2 weeks... no time to be distracted...
But, that being said, I had to share what it is I am looking at as I am creating... The beautiful Pink Dogwood in bloom across the yard, the azaleas starting to open near the house, the smell of freshly mown lawns in the air... and this is only what the camera took in... there are gorgeous spring flowers all around the house, birds singing and children playing...
Need to take a break and go to the Hole in The Bead Gang meeting this afternoon... then back to the 'grindstone'... 

1 comment:

Regina said...

door open while you are working? I can nearly smell it from here! We will do our first lawn mow next weekend - weather permitting.